E-mail: info@spiralsites.com

You've got a great web site but how visible is it? Spiral Sites can advise you on all aspects of Search Engine Optimisation including your content, key words and your web site's structure. 

Your new web site is complete, The online store is up and running....

Now where are my customers?

It's no good having a great web site if no one knows where your web site is. We can help you with this by not only submitting your web site to all the major search engines but also optimising the site to get the most out of your listing on the major search engines.

Getting great search engine rankings is not an overnight process. We provide services to optimise your site with relevant keywords and make sure all the correct things required by the search engines are in place throughout your site.

If you take our Spiral Connex Content Management system this will allow you to be in complete control of your search engine campaign by managing all your keywords, page titles and content yourself.

Google Adwords 

Google Adwords allows you to bid for keywords you want to be listed on, the more you are prepared to pay above the competition the higher you will be listed in the paid results on Google. Your ad is triggered by the keywords people enter into Google which means you can specify precisely what they have to be looking for before you advertise to them. Better still, the best time to get your ad in front of a prospect is the precise moment that they are searching for what you sell and you can do this with AdWords.

There are 3 other key features of Google AdWords that make them highly effective.
  • The system is "always on" so that your ad can appear whether your potential customer is searching at 3am or lunchtime. It sits there waiting for your prospect to come along and responds by displaying your ad when they do. Compare that to a radio ad or a leaflet campaign.
  • Google provides you with a huge amount of data about your campaigns which means you can react to customer behaviours even to the extent of finding out which features of your products are of greatest interest and you can do this market research often for a few pounds.
  • Finally, because your ads are triggered by keywords, you can use the AdWords system to advertise all your product range effectively and not just your top selling items. If you have an obscure product to sell and there are only 4 searches a month for it, you can advertise to those 4 searchers and could pay as little as 2p for the click through to your site.
Spiral Sites offers a full AdWords Management service and we can get you started fast or can take over existing AdWords account.

Looking for Search Engine Marketing Services? Contact us here - contact us

Peter AC Sloan Solicitors
First recommended to Spiral Sites in 2006 as we needed to have a website designed for our business and just didn't know where to start! Spiral Sites took us in hand and since this time we have received consistently excellent service and support. We have found that when requesting changes to be made to our website they are dealt with swiftly, and efficiently. We have never experienced any difficulty with our website, it is always up and running with no downtime. We can only say the most positive comments about Spiral Sites, friendly, supportive, efficient, responsive and extremely helpful. We feel very privileged that someone recommended us to Spiral Sites, and we are happy to do the same, having experienced such a high level of care, advice and unfailing support.
Peter AC Sloan Solicitors
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